About us

The original Aroma-Skin formula was developed by Hedva, a woman who has devoted her entire life to a passionate research of plants and the positive effects that natural extracts can have on the human body, mind and soul.

Born and raised in the rich and fertile countryside of Gallilee, Hedva was introduced to the world of plants before the age of three by her mother, who encouraged Hedva to disregard conventional learning and focus her energy entirely on building a profound knowledge of how nature functions on a deeper level. Throughout her youth and adult years, Hedva has traveled the Middle East and the rest of the world, studying plants and acquiring knowledge from others who share her own passion. In America, she learned from the Native Americans, among whom she lived, about how oils and various plant extracts affect the human body and the skin in particular.

The Native American Indians used Witch Hazel, or ‘Magic Oil’ (referring to its properties), for many purposes around the village, Hedva noticed however that the feet of those responsible for ‘mashing’ the Witch Hazel to extract the juices were healthy smooth and free from wrinkles. She also noticed that those with minor foot wounds who were sent to ‘mash’ were healed remarkably quickly.

Through research Hedva realized the healing, smoothing and wrinkle removal properties were coming from the oil contained within the bark, leaf and flowers of the plant. Witch Hazel was and is well known in its alcohol form, however the oil, although it was known, it was not deemed commercially viable to produce in large quantities by the big manufacturers, therefore unavailable. Undeterred Hedva set about developing her own unique and secret process of extracting the oil.

She also found remarkably, the benefits of Witch Hazel could be enhanced through its synergistic effects with other ingredients. Witch Hazel oil has distinct properties providing a 3 pronged defense for the skin making it excellent for use in skincare.


Hedva found that 3 ingredients in particular enhanced the benefits of Witch Hazel Oil:

Grapeseed Oil - enhances the protection properties of witch hazel due to its superior antioxidant ability. Grapeseed oil also adds suppleness allowing the skin to stretch without wrinkling.

Sweet Almond Oil – Very effective at retaining moisture, enhancing the moisturizing effects of Witch Hazel, thus imparting superior skin hydration. A high level of natural essential fatty acids nourish the skin.

Calendula – Like Witch Hazel Calendula is high in Tannins thus its astringent properties enhance that of Witch Hazel.

Hedva carried out numerous tests on formulations to discover the optimum mix of these ingredients for greatest visible effects. The ratios of ingredients in the Aroma Skin Natural Complex are today a closely guarded secret.

Aroma Skin specializes in the manufacture of products for skin care, rehabilitation and treatment

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